Related to the prior page "Introduction to Reuleaux", I want to mention that the link in the item 2 under Applications has changed since 2021. So you get the 404 error. But I strongly suggest that you should not be discouraged. Click on the button provided to "Return to Home." That will take you to an interesting website which is provided by the major developer of the Wankel engine. ( ) It is Wankel SuperTec. That is the German company started by Felix Wankel, the inventor of the Wankel engine.
In the webpage on "Reuleaux Graphics" that follows, I attempt to show a Reuleaux Triangle revolving -- very roughly -- in a square. It was formerly accessed by clicking on a link Alternating Amber/White Reuleaux. That link still works in the "Reuleaux Graphics" page, but it brings up a video which was my solution for viewing my GIF animation when I was using Joomla 3. I created the graphic and then made a video of it that was permitted by Joomla 3. Below we see the GIF graphic here in the Joomla 5 technology.
Next let's move on to the animation of the Wankel engine. The demo begins with an image providing a few words about what follows in the demo. Each graphic that follows that first slide attempts to illustrate a step in one cycle for the Wankel engine from intake to exhaust. For a more accurate, but unanimated, view of the cycles of the Reuleaux engine, go to the Wankel SuperTec engines webpage
and scroll to the bottom of that home page.