Dodecastar #1

This is a dodecastar.  It is a concave 12-pointed figure that originated from a regular 12-sided convex polygon -- the dodecagon.   It is colored with a selection of "warm" colors as defined by someone who wrote a Wikipedia page on warm and cool colors. 


Dodec Painting 1




Dodecastar #2

The dodecastar below is a 12-pointed figure that is concave and  painted in "cool" colors.

Convex Dodecagon 3 Cool Colors

 Dodecastar #3 Amimation -- Warm

In the old version of this website, Joomla did not provide for GIF graphics.   My solution was to include videos of these GIF graphics as they displayed on the computer monitor.  It was really rough.  I used my iPhone camera and had to strain to hold it steady.  Including all these graphics was also a problem because of my jiggling.    Joomla 5 has solved my problems.   [This is my first article where I am not using Embedded PDF files which I used to migrate must of my website pages.   This page did not have much text so I completely rebuilt it.  ]

Dodec Warm



Dodecastar #4 Amimation -- Cool

Wait for a second.   This one opens slow. 


Dodec Cool


 Dodecastar #5 Amimation -- Simple Star 


Dodec Multi


Dodecastar Starting Diagram

This diagram is the geometric construction from which the stills and animations were made.   I will store thsi here for quick access if I lose figures stored with GIMP files.

Concave Dodecagon 3 Template